Monday, January 21, 2013

Simple DIY Party decorations

We recently had a Surprise birthday party for my mother-in-law and I was trying to think of something for centerpieces that would be simple, yet cheap. So I came up with just simple beer bottles painted, will a little special personalized touch, and very inexpensive.

I started with just a simple Beer bottle. In order to get the labels off, I just soaked them in a sink full of hot soapy water for about 15 minutes. The labels came right off and a sponge easily took the glue off.

For a little bit of color, I just painted them with spray paint. Cheap way to add a lot of color to the party!

After that dried, I added a chalkboard paint heart that way I could put a B on the bottles for her name.

I made my own chalkboard paint because it is a lot cheaper than buying some! The recipe is 1 tablespoon unsanded grout (I found mine at Home depot. A 5 pound box for only $6) and 1/2 cup acrylic paint. You can use any color you want of acrylic paint, but I just used black. Just mix really well in a plastic cup with a plastic spoon and wa-la!

 So for a finished product......They were adorable! I added just a simple ribbon bow and some shredded paper at the base. With the carnation and a hint of baby's breath, it looked so cute. I got a lot of compliments on how cute and simple they were!

So, for the total transformation:

I needed something to add to the walls for decoration and I came with this story with candy bars! It was  a huge hit with our guests! I didn't spend much on candy and I just used a foam poster board. The candy stuck great to the board with rubber cement. To eat the candy, they can just cut the ends off the the candy bars and slide them out. That way, you don't loose the store!

She was so surprised and I couldn't have been happier with the way things turned out. The food, decorations, and just little personalized touches all came out perfect!

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