Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Diaper Motorcycle

There have been a lot of baby shower's lately! I swear there is going to be another baby boom! But brother-in-law has a bike and so do a lot of his friends so for my sister's baby shower and her friends' baby showers, I made these! 

These were for my brother-in-law and his friend because they were both having boys. Below was for my sister's friend who was having a girl!

They are so easy to make! You just need:
diapers (any size) - for the wheels
rubber bands to secure the wheels
2 receiving blankets - for the handles and to connect the wheels
2 bibs - for the fender and the seat
bottle - for the head light 
ribbon -  to go around the wheels
mittens or socks - for the handle bars
Stuffed animals.

Use an 8 or 9 inch round cake pan and put the diaper in a circular motion. Put the rubber band around to secure the wheel. You can add your choice of ribbon to add more decoration. Then take the two receiving blankets and roll them flat. Put one in one wheel and around to the second and secure with a pin. Then with the other, add put it through the front wheel, and up. Use a rubber band to hold the two sides together. For the handle bars, stuff the socks or mittens with tissue, toilet paper, or something just to add a lil' padding to them. Then use the bibs to put the fender and the seat on. After that, add your head light which is the bottle. If you want, you can put a wash cloth around the bottle to add more color or design, but it's just your preference. Then, add you animal and you are all set!

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